Showing posts with label Oracle Database Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle Database Security. Show all posts

Saturday 28 September 2019

Error 'ORA-28081: Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object'

-----------ERROR: ORA-28081

Error 'ORA-28081: Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object' occurs when performing DML/DDL by a schema on a object where one of the column has a redaction policy enabled.
If a redacted column appears as the source in a DML or DDL operation, then Oracle Data Redaction considers this as an attempt to circumvent the policy and prevents it with the error:
   ORA-28081 "Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object."

If a redacted column appears as the source in a DML or DDL operation, then Oracle Data Redaction considers this as an attempt to circumvent the policy and prevents it
with an 'ORA-28081: Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object' error unless you have the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege.

Apart from a privileges issue it also prevents redacted data to enter the database and in the process lose the original truth.


grant exempt redaction policy to ;

grant exempt redaction policy to SAID;