Showing posts with label WebLogic 11g. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WebLogic 11g. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 July 2021

WebLogic Admin Server Fails to Start with Error "JPS-02592: Failed to push ldap config data to libOvd for service instance


Unable to start Admin server in WCP domain.  Log file shows the following error message:


Jun 18, 2016 4:30:21 PM pushLdapNamesTolibOvd
<Jun 18, 2016 4:30:21 PM PDT> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090892> <The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. Error message: JPS-02592: Failed to push ldap config data to libOvd for service instance "idstore.ldap" in JPS context "default", cause: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 1, Column 1>: XML-20108: (Fatal Error) Start of root element expected.>
<Jun 18, 2016 4:30:21 PM PDT> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. Error message: JPS-02592: Failed to push ldap config data to libOvd for service instance "idstore.ldap" in JPS context "default", cause: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 1, Column 1>: XML-20108: (Fatal Error) Start of root element expected. The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. Error message: JPS-02592: Failed to push ldap config data to libOvd for service instance "idstore.ldap" in JPS context "default", cause: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 1, Column 1>: XML-20108: (Fatal Error) Start of root element expected.




The adapters.os_xml file is empty.


1) Take a backup of $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/ovd/default/adapters.os_xml 

2) Delete corrupted adapters.os_xml 

3) Copy adapters.os_xml from $MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ovd_11.1.1/templates/ to $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/ovd/default/

4) Restart the server.

Reference Oracle Doc: (Doc ID 2151498.1)

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

BEA-090402 Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid


. The boot identity may have been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted.>


Step 1: Bring down node-manager

Step 2: Delete ldap folder

Delete the whole ldap folder from following location

[oracle@saidrasel]$ find /u01 -name ldap

Step 3: Delete from following location

cd /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/servers/WLS_REPORTS/security
Delete the
cd /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/servers/WLS_FORMS/security
Delete the
cd /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/servers/AdminServer/security
Delete the

Step 4: Create


create a file using the following entry
username= weblogic
copy this file for WLS_FORMS, WLS_REPORTS and WebLogic
After start the server from command line, it will encrypt again automatically.

Step 5 : Start the node-manager

$ nohup $WLS_HOME/server/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Start the managed server and it should start successfully.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Useful Command for Managing Weblogic Services

Useful Command for Weblogic

$ # Start NodeManager
$ nohup $WLS_HOME/server/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Start WebLogic
$ nohup /u01/app/oracle/config/domains/mydomain/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$ # or
$ nohup /u01/app/oracle/config/domains/mydomain/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Stop WebLogic
$ /u01/app/oracle/config/domains/mydomain/bin/

$ # Start Managed Server
$ nohup /u01/app/oracle/config/domains/mydomain/bin/ AdminServer > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Stop Managed Server
$ /u01/app/oracle/config/domains/mydomain/bin/ AdminServer

$ # Start the configuration wizard
$ $WLS_HOME/common/bin/

$ # Start Weblogic Form Services
nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/bin/ WLS_FORMS > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Stop Weblogic Form Services
/u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/bin/ WLS_REPORTS

$ # Start Weblogic Report Services
$ nohup /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/bin/ WLS_REPORTS > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Stop Weblogic Report Services
/u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/bin/ WLS_REPORTS

Find report server in Weblogic

----Check report server in local network---

[oracle@iStelar test_istelar_report_server]$ cd /u01/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/reports/bin/
[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./ -findall

Reading the rwnetwork.conf from :/u01/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/ReportsToolsComponent/ReportsTools/rwnetwork.conf
Broadcast mechanism used to locate servers
Channel address =
Channel port  = 14022

REP-50503 No server found in the network
[oracle@iStelar bin]$

---Now copy the rwnetwork.conf file from another server where reports are working properly--

scp -r oracle@:/u01/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/ReportsToolsComponent/ReportsTools/rwnetwork.conf /u01/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/ReportsToolsComponent/ReportsTools/

---Now find report server in local network--

[oracle@iStelar ReportsTools]$ cd /u01/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/reports/bin/
[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./ -findall

Reading the rwnetwork.conf from :/u01/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/ReportsToolsComponent/ReportsTools/rwnetwork.conf
Broadcast mechanism used to locate servers
Channel address =
Channel port  = 14021

(1) Name = rep_wls_reports_istelar252_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = iStelar.localdomain
(2) Name = test_istelar_report_server : Type = server : Host = iStelar.localdomain
(3) Name = rep_wls_reports_bachapp_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = bachapp.localdomain
(4) Name = rep_appsrv_mor_off_frhome1 : Type = server : Host =
(5) Name = rptsvr_istelar212_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = istelar222.localdomain
(6) Name = rep_wls_reports_istelar212_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = iStelar212.localdomain
(7) Name = rep_wls_reports_istelar213_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = istelar213.localdomain
(8) Name = rptsvr_istelar213_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = istelar213.localdomain
(9) Name = rep_wls_reports_istelar_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = istelar.localdomain
(10) Name = rptsvr_istelar_asinst_1 : Type = server : Host = istelar.localdomain
[oracle@iStelar bin]$

How to create or delete component in Weblogic

----Delete component from opmn in Web logic------

[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./opmnctl deletecomponent -componentName  RptSvr_iStelar_asinst_1

Command requires login to weblogic admin server (iStelar.localdomain):
  Username: weblogic

Command failed: Unable to connect to admin server. Verify that login username and password are correct.

opmnctl deletecomponent: failed.
[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./opmnctl deletecomponent -componentName  RptSvr_iStelar_asinst_1

Command requires login to weblogic admin server (iStelar.localdomain):
  Username: weblogic

Unregistering RptSvr_iStelar_asinst_1 component
Deleting RptSvr_iStelar_asinst_1 directories
Invoking opmn reload...Done
Command succeeded.
[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: asinst_1
ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status
emagent_asinst_1                 | EMAGENT            |     N/A | Down
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |   16571 | Alive
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |   15046 | Alive
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |   19242 | Alive
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |    9205 | Alive
ohs1                             | OHS                |     N/A | Down

[oracle@iStelar bin]$

----Create component in opmn in Web logic------

[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./opmnctl createcomponent -componentName  test_istelar_report_server
Command failed: Command requires argument: -componentType

opmnctl createcomponent: failed.
[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./opmnctl createcomponent -componentName  test_istelar_report_server -componentType  ReportsServerComponent

Command requires login to weblogic admin server (iStelar.localdomain):
  Username: weblogic

Creating empty component directories...Done
Provisioning ReportsServerComponent files for test_istelar_report_server
Registering test_istelar_report_server component
Invoking opmn reload...Done
Command succeeded.
[oracle@iStelar bin]$

[oracle@iStelar bin]$ ./opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: asinst_1
ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status
test_istelar_report_server       | ReportsServerComp~ |   23018 | Alive
emagent_asinst_1                 | EMAGENT            |     N/A | Down
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |   16571 | Alive
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |   15046 | Alive
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |   19242 | Alive
forms                            | FormsRuntime       |    9205 | Alive
ohs1                             | OHS                |     N/A | Down

[oracle@iStelar bin]$

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

BEA-141281 unable to get file lock, will retry . in Weblogic



Lock file generated in tmp location

cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains//servers//tmp

[oracle@iStelar WLS_REPORTS]$ cd tmp/
[oracle@iStelar tmp]$ ll
total 16
drwxr-x---.  3 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 15  2015 reports
-rw-r-----.  1 oracle oinstall  530 Nov  9 12:20 WebServiceUtils.ser
drwxr-----. 10 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 15  2015 _WL_internal
-rw-r-----   1 oracle oinstall    0 Nov 12 12:28 WLS_REPORTS.lok
drwxr-----. 22 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 15  2015 _WL_user
[oracle@iStelar tmp]$ pwd

[oracle@iStelar tmp]$ ll
total 16
drwxr-x---.  3 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 15  2015 reports
-rw-r-----.  1 oracle oinstall  530 Nov  9 12:20 WebServiceUtils.ser
drwxr-----. 10 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 15  2015 _WL_internal
-rw-r-----   1 oracle oinstall    0 Nov 12 12:28 WLS_REPORTS.lok
drwxr-----. 22 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 15  2015 _WL_user
[oracle@iStelar tmp]$
rm -rf *.lok

[oracle@iStelar tmp]$ /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/bin/ WLS_REPORTS

Do the same process for (WLS_FORMS, AdminServer and WLS_REPORTS)

Monday, 19 October 2015

Configuring the Java Memory Parameters on Application Servers/ Weblogic Server

WebLogic 10.3.x on Windows

Edit the setDomainEnv.cmd file in the WebLogic domain bin folder. Make the following updates:

1. Search for WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT.  You should find something like this:
set WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT = -Xms256m -Xmx512m
Replace both occurrences with this:
set WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT = -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m

2. Search for WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT.  You should find something like this:
set WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT = -Xms256m -Xmx512m
Replace both occurrences with this:
set WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT = -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m

3. Search for MEM_PERM_SIZE_64BIT.  You should find something like this:
set MEM_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = -XX:PermSize=128m
Replace all occurrences with this:
set MEM_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = -XX:PermSize=256m

4. Search for MEM_PERM_SIZE_32BIT.  You should find something like this:
set MEM_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = -XX:PermSize=48m
Replace all occurrences with this:
set MEM_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = -XX:PermSize=256m

5. Search for MEM__MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT.  You should find something like this:
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = -XX:PermSize=128m
Replace all occurrences with this:
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = -XX:PermSize=256m

6. Search for MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT.  You should find something like this:
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = -XX:PermSize=128m
Replace all occurrences with this:
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = -XX:PermSize=256m

WebLogic 10.3.x on Linux

Edit the file in the WebLogic domain bin folder
Make the following updates:

1. Search for WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT. You should find something like this:
WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT = "-Xms256m -Xmx512m"
Replace both occurrences with this:
WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT = "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"

2. Search for WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT. You should find something like this:
WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT = "-Xms256m -Xmx512m"
Replace both occurrences with this:
WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT = "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"

3. Search for MEM_PERM_SIZE_64BIT. You should find something like this:
MEM_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = "-XX:PermSize=128m"
Replace all occurrences with this:
MEM_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = "-XX:PermSize=256m"

4. Search for MEM_PERM_SIZE_32BIT. You should find something like this:
MEM_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = "-XX:PermSize=48m"
Replace all occurrences with this:
MEM_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = "-XX:PermSize=256m"

5. Search for MEM__MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT. You should find something like this:
MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = "-XX:PermSize=128m"
Replace all occurrences with this:
MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_64BIT = "-XX:PermSize=256m"

6. Search for MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT. You should find something like this:
MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = "-XX:PermSize=128m"
Replace all occurrences with this:
MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE_32BIT = "-XX:PermSize=256m"


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

"Error Oracle*Terminal cannot open fmrweb". in Weblogic

Problem: Trying to launch any .fmx, I can see only "Error Oracle*Terminal cannot open fmrweb".


This means that you have no access to fmrweb.res file, that is normally located in FORMS directory. You may look for this file or use another terminal file.

The file located in


Monday, 9 February 2015

How to recreate/reset weblogic user password

Steps to recreate weblogic superuser (when password of existing user is forgotten)

1.  Shutdown WebLogic Server (If Running) – Optional Step
2.  Login to WebLogic Server and set environment variable
cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin   (where DOMAIN_HOME is the directory in which your domain exists, default value is $MW_HOME/user_projects/domain/base_domain), and execute the following …
. ./ (Linux/Unix)  -or- setDomainEnv.cmd (Windows)

3. Create an initialization file using the following command. (Note the DOT at end of this command) 
go to the following directory
cd /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain1/
then execute the following command
java   . 
For Example – (Note the DOT at end of this command):
java weblogic welcome1 .
This will create file  DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift in directory from which you executed this command .

4. Rename the original file DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.ldift in the $DOMAIN_HOME/security/ (for example, rename to ORIG_DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.ldift) and replace it with the new DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldiftgenerated in step 3

5. Rename the data directory under $DOMAIN_HOME/servers//data (for example, rename it to another directory like data.bak – the data directory contains files related to embedded LDAP and role mapping file).
Perform the above for the Admin Server, that is, where is AdminServer; and then repeat the step for the managed server(s).
Repeat this step for all managed servers which are part of this domain.
Note: This step will remove all existing users/groups from WebLogic’s embedded LDAP server (recreate these users/groups in setp8)

6. Recreate the boot.properites file under $DOMAIN_HOME/servers//security with username and password created in step 3 above.  The contents of the file will be like this …
As before, perform the above for the Admin Server, that is, where is AdminServer; and then repeat the step for the managed server(s).
Repeat this step for all managed servers which are part of this domain.

7. Start (or restart) Admin Server and test if you can login to WebLogic Console using the new username and password. Access the WebLogic Console from a URL similar to this: http://:7001/console

8. Recreate any users/groups (which were part of default authenticator prior to new super user creation) or import existing users (from WebLogic’s servers embedded LDAP server backup)
============Another Solution ==============

  • Set up the following environment variables. They are not necessary for the process itself, but will help you navigate. In this case my domain is called "ClassicDomain". Remember to change the value to match your domain.
    export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware
    export DOMAIN_HOME=$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain
  • Shut down the WebLogic domain.
    $ $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
  • Rename the data folder.
    $ mv $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data-old
  • Set the environment variables.
    $ . $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
  • Reset the password using the following command. Remember to substitute the appropriate username and password.
    $ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security
    $ java   .
  • Update the "$DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/" file with the new username and password. The file format is shown below.
  • Start the WebLogic domain.
    $ $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/


How to Start Weblogic as Background Process in Linux/Unix

Start the WebLogic (WLS) Administration Server in the background

nohup ./ &

Monday, 25 August 2014

Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address in Oracle http server

Error getting from OHS log

[2014-08-25T17:26:27.000+06:00] [ohs1] [UNKNOWN] [] [console] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] /u01/oracle/middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/ohs/bin/apachectl startssl: execing httpd
[2014-08-25T17:26:27.000+06:00] [ohs1] [UNKNOWN] [] [console] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] Start process
[2014-08-25T17:26:27.992+06:00] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [core.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22974] [tid: 140343298516800] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main]  Unable to open logs
[2014-08-25T17:26:27.992+06:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:20] [OHS-9999] [worker.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22974] [tid: 140343298516800] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main]  no listening sockets available, shutting down
[2014-08-25T17:26:27.992+06:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [worker.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22974] [tid: 140343298516800] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main] (13)Permission denied:  make_sock: could not bind to address
[2014-08-25T17:26:27.992+06:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [worker.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22974] [tid: 140343298516800] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main] (13)Permission denied:  make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
[2014-08-25T17:26:29.000+06:00] [ohs1] [UNKNOWN] [] [console] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] /u01/oracle/middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/ohs/bin/apachectl startssl: execing httpd
[2014-08-25T17:26:29.000+06:00] [ohs1] [UNKNOWN] [] [console] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] Start process
[2014-08-25T17:26:29.047+06:00] [OHS] [ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [core.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22978] [tid: 139745400321856] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main]  Unable to open logs
[2014-08-25T17:26:29.047+06:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:20] [OHS-9999] [worker.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22978] [tid: 139745400321856] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main]  no listening sockets available, shutting down
[2014-08-25T17:26:29.047+06:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [worker.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22978] [tid: 139745400321856] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main] (13)Permission denied:  make_sock: could not bind to address
[2014-08-25T17:26:29.047+06:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:32] [OHS-9999] [worker.c] [host: istelar.localdomain] [nwaddr:] [pid: 22978] [tid: 139745400321856] [userId: oracle] [VirtualHost: main] (13)Permission denied:  make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80


Step1: Go to /u01/oracle/middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/ohs/bin location

Step2: Check the permission of .apachectl file permission

[oracle@istelar bin]$ ls -l .apachectl
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 465658 Oct 27 2009 .apachectl 

Step3: Change the permission of .apachectl file

[root@istelar bin]# chown root .apachectl
[root@istelar bin]# chmod 6750 .apachectl

[oracle@istelar bin]$ ls -la .ap*
-rwsr-s--- 1 root oinstall 13278 Nov 19  2011 .apachectl

[oracle@istelar bin]$

Step4: Now start the /u01/stelar11g/Script/ service

Step5: Now check the log

Sunday, 24 August 2014 location of WebLogic 11g


A boot identity file contains user credentials for starting and stopping an instance of WebLogic Server. An Administration Server can refer to this file for user credentials instead of prompting you to provide them. Because the credentials are encrypted, using a boot identity file is more secure than storing unencrypted credentials in a startup or shutdown script. If there is no boot identity file when you start a server, the server instance prompts you to enter a username and password. The boot identity file can be different for each server instance in the domain.



create a file using the following entry

copy this file for WLS_FORMS, WLS_REPORTS and Weblogic